“Sexual Freedom”

“Sexual Freedom”, I read aloud the two words in front of my 70-year-old granny and I watched her shift uncomfortably in her chair, knowing then and there that my mission was complete. What mission was that I know you wonder, and the answer is very simple: I wanted to see whether or not my grandmother…

The power of self

There is still such stigma around young women going to get tested for HIV. It’s almost implied that you shouldn’t get tested, and not that you shouldn’t be having unprotected sex. Luckily, there are new options. Supermarkets and pharmacies are increasingly stocking home HIV tests that you can buy and use in your own space…

Love, sex and STIs

Disclaimer: The following are the views of the author and should not be taken as medical advice. Please speak to a health professional to seek medical advice. So often you get into a relationship, things become serious and you start being intimate with that person. The classic boy meets girl, they fall in love and…

#AIDS2018 conference reflection…..now back to reality

It has been a week since the AIDS 2018 conference in Amsterdam ended.  Before I get back into my everyday routine or even plan for the few remaining months of the year, I would like to reflect and share my thoughts on this year’s conference. It is reported to be the biggest conference with more…

My expectations for the #AIDS 2018 Conference

I am a young African woman who strongly believes that a world where young women and girls have control over their sexual health is possible. I have quite a lot of expectations for the upcoming International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) in Amsterdam. These conferences are for me always a good time to reconnect with amazing…

Wanted: Young women’s views!

Get INVOLVED and be part of the solution in designing future products that prevent STIs like HIV and pregnancy. Population Council is inviting you take part in this survey!    

My Purse – a journey of self-discovery

My vagina. My identity. My pandora’s box. My private space. My secret place. My purse. I have had a tumultuous relationship with my vagina before I was awakened to the truth in my mid-twenties that it was just another one of my precious organs that needed as much love and attention as all others. How…